The Carrington Dental Blog

Read the Carrington Dental Blog for useful tips and advice on dental care and appliances.

What are the benefits of wisdom teeth removal?

In this post, our West Kelowna dentists explain why you might need your wisdom teeth removed and what the benefits of this removal include.

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Why Your Dentist May Recommend a Root Canal

Has your dentist recommended you have a root canal? Our West Kelowna dentists explain the procedure, why you may need one and what you can expect.

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What is dental surgery?

You've heard of dental surgery, but you might not actually know what it entails. In this post, our West Kelowna dentists discuss what dental surgery is and when it might be necessary.

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What is a prosthodontist and how can they help me?

You may have heard of a prosthodontist, but it might not be clear what services they offer or how they help their patients. In this post, our West Kelowna dentists provide a few facts on what a prosthodontist specialist does and what type of dental surgery they perform.

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Considering a gum graft? Here's what you should know

If your dentist has recommended a gum graft, you might be wondering what happens during this procedure and how to care for yourself following it. Here, our West Kelowna dentists explain what a gum graft procedure entails and how to perform proper after-care.

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Is reconstructive oral surgery the right choice for me?

What exactly is reconstructive oral surgery and when would Dr. Darren Dahlman dentists recommend it? Here, our West Kelowna dentists provide some facts about reconstructive oral surgery and when a patient might need it.

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Why consider getting dental implants?

Have you lost one or more teeth due to decay, illness, or injury? In recent years, dental implants have become a more affordable treatment option. Here, our West Kelowna dentists discuss dental implants and their benefits.

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How much does dental surgery really hurt?

Do you have a dental procedure coming up and you're wondering about the pain and aftercare following it? Here, our West Kelowna dentists offer some facts about the after-effects of dental surgery and what you can do to manage discomfort.

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How do I know when to have my wisdom teeth pulled?

Are you wondering if or when you should get your wisdom teeth pulled? In this post, our West Kelowna dentists discuss some signs that your wisdom teeth should be pulled.

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Why would I need surgery for sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects your breathing while you sleep and can impact your physical and mental health. Here, our West Kelowna dentists explain sleep apnea and provide insight on when dental surgery may be necessary.

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